Hi. My name is Sara and I love to photograph unique landscapes and natural subjects.

Do I explore the outdoors in order to photograph, or do I photograph in order to explore the outdoors?
Excellent question…
My landscapes often are of familiar places, iconic parks or local areas. I do not enjoy capturing “classic” images, iconic but like a million other pictures of the same subject.
If I approach an area and see a line of photographers getting their iconic photo for their portfolio, I turn and run. I want my pictures to be surprising even if they might be familiar. A new landscape from an old one. Or an unexpected view of nature…

Getting a clean, sharp, clear shot from a kayak is challenging. I use the same DSLR I use on land, and it is not a small camera. With a 600mm lens attached, it is large and heavy. So far, I am satisfied with the results, although I’m always working towards less attrition.

I have shown my work in a diverse collection of places, some permanent. Below is a partial list.
Please Note:
While all of these places are great and I appreciate the time and space so generously given to me to show 1, 3 or 100 photographs, my favorite place to hang one of my photographs is on the wall in the home / office of someone – perhaps even you. (Please use the contact form to reach out)
Solo show : My Daughter the Framer / Corrick’s : Santa Rosa, CA
Solo show : Salon West : Santa Rosa, CA
Group show (juried) : Belvedere / Tiburon Library Art Gallery : Tiburon, CA
Solo show : The Graton Gallery 2021: Graton, CA
Group show (juried) : The Graton Gallery 2018, 2019, 2022, 2023 : Graton, CA
Solo show : Steele Lane Community Center : Santa Rosa, CA
Cal Expo State Fair (juried): multiple award winner : Scramento, CA
Marin County Fair (juried) : multiple award winner : San Rafael, CA
Spring Lake Village : permanent collection of over 150 pieces: Santa Rosa, CA
Sutter Medical Office Building : permanent collection : Santa Rosa, CA
Sutter Medical Office Building : permanent collection : San Francisco, CA
Sutter Hospital : permanent collection : Santa Rosa, CA
Kaiser Medical Office Building : permanent collection : (several locations) Santa Rosa, CA
Kaiser Medical Office Building : permanent collection : Petaluma, CA
Kaiser Medical Office Building : permanent collection : Cupertino, CA